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Technical Writing
November 23, 2023
xx min read

7 Challenges Technical Writers Face in 2024

In the world of technology and communication, technical writers play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between complex systems and end-users. But, the challenges technical writers face are evolving, making their job both exciting and demanding. 

A recent statistic reveals that the employment of technical writers is projected to grow by 7% from 2022 to 2032, indicating the increasing demand and significance of this role. 

As the landscape shifts, it's crucial for technical writers to stay updated, adapt, and overcome these challenges to produce clear, concise, and user-friendly documentation. In this blog post, we'll discuss some of the most pressing challenges faced by technical writers in 2023 and explore strategies to navigate them effectively.

1. Last-Minute Changes to the Product

graphic represents last minute changes to product in product documentation

Imagine you've just finished crafting a detailed user guide, and just as you're about to hit "publish," you're informed of new features added to the product. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Many technical writers grapple with last-minute product changes. These unexpected shifts can throw a wrench in your documentation process, making you feel like you're always playing catch-up.

But, with the right strategies and tools, you can navigate these changes with ease:

  • Stay in the loop. Regularly communicate with the product and engineering teams. By being part of product meetings and updates, you'll be among the first to know about any upcoming changes. This proactive approach ensures you're never caught off guard.
  • Allocate buffer time. While planning your documentation schedule, always set aside some buffer time. This allows you to accommodate any unforeseen changes without compromising the quality of your work.
  • Embrace flexibility. Remember, your documentation is a living entity, evolving alongside the product. Embrace the mindset that change is inevitable. By doing so, you'll find it easier to adapt and ensure your users always have accurate information.
  • Use a CCMS. A Component Content Management System (CCMS) can be a lifesaver in these situations. Instead of manually updating every instance of a change in your documents, a CCMS lets you update a single content component. This change then reflects across all documents where that component is used. It's efficient, consistent, and saves you a ton of time.

While last-minute product changes can be daunting, they're also an opportunity. They push you to stay updated, be flexible, and continuously enhance your documentation skills. 

2. Lack of Information About Product Users

Imagine crafting a detailed guide, only to discover that it doesn't resonate with your audience. Why? Because you didn't have a clear picture of who your users are. 

Facing a lack of user information is a common hurdle. But with the right approach, you can leap over this challenge and create content that truly speaks to your audience:

  • Get to know your users. Dive deep into understanding your users. Who are they? What are their roles? What challenges do they face? Utilizing the Four Types of Personalization can help ensure information is relevant to your customer. The more you know, the better you can tailor your content to their needs.
graphic outlines the Four Types of Content Personalization
  • Collaborate with other teams. Your customer support team likely has user personas that can offer valuable insights. By collaborating with them, you can gain a clearer picture of your audience. They can provide feedback on common questions or issues users face.
  • Engage directly with users. Consider conducting user interviews or surveys. Direct feedback can offer invaluable insights into user needs, preferences, and pain points.
  • Stay updated. User needs and behaviors can change over time. Regularly update your user information to ensure your content remains relevant and effective.

Understanding your users is the foundation of effective technical writing. By actively seeking out user information, you ensure that your content not only informs, but also engages and resonates with your audience.

3. Gathering Information from Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

Too often, technical writers find themselves staring at a screen, knowing they need specific details to complete their documentation. The experts hold the keys to this knowledge, but how do technical writers access it? 

On average, technical writers spend 30% of their time coordinating with SMEs to gather accurate information for their documentation. But, collaborating with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) can sometimes feel like a game of cat and mouse. 

Here's how you can effectively gather information from SMEs and make your documentation shine:

  • Build relationships. Don't wait until you need something. Take the time to get to know the SMEs. Understand their roles, their challenges, and their expertise. A friendly chat now can pave the way for smoother collaboration later.
  • Plan ahead. SMEs are often swamped with their tasks. Avoid springing last-minute requests on them. Schedule interviews or meetings in advance, giving them ample time to prepare.
  • Streamline collaboration. With a CCMS, you can streamline the collaboration process. Share drafts, gather feedback, and make real-time edits. A centralized platform ensures that both you and the SMEs are always on the same page.
  • Be clear and concise. When you approach SMEs, be clear about what you need. Provide context and specify the kind of information you're looking for. This clarity helps SMEs provide you with precise and relevant details. 

Remember, SMEs are invaluable allies in your quest for accurate and comprehensive documentation. By fostering strong relationships, planning ahead, and leveraging tools like a CCMS, you can gather the insights you need with ease and efficiency.

4. Outdated or Unsuitable Tools

Using outdated or unsuitable tools can feel like trying to paint a mural with a toothbrush. It's frustrating, time-consuming, and limits your potential.

Here's how you can overcome the challenges of outdated tools and elevate your technical writing:

  • Recognize the limitations. First, acknowledge the drawbacks of your current tools. Are they slowing you down? Do they lack essential features? Identifying these limitations is the first step toward finding a solution.
  • Research modern alternatives. Dive into the world of modern technical writing tools. Look for features that align with your needs and streamline your workflow.
  • Embrace a CCMS. Consider adopting a CCMS (Component Content Management System). A CCMS offers a centralized platform for creating, managing, and publishing content. It ensures consistency, facilitates collaboration, and adapts to evolving needs.
graphic outlines how a CCMS helps conquer challenges faced by technical writers

The right tools can transform your technical writing experience. By recognizing outdated tools, researching modern solutions, and embracing systems like a CCMS, you set yourself up for success, efficiency, and top-notch documentation.

5. Inconsistency in the Documentation

Inconsistencies in your documentation can leave your readers puzzled and frustrated. Whether it's varying tones, shifting styles, or mismatched terms, inconsistency can undermine the clarity and trustworthiness of your content.

Here's how you can tackle inconsistency head-on:

  • Spot the differences. Start by reviewing your documentation. Identify areas where the style, tone, or terminology shifts. Recognizing these inconsistencies is the first step to addressing them.
  • Adopt a style guide. Use a style guide as your roadmap. It sets clear standards for language, formatting, and structure, ensuring uniformity across your documentation.
  • Leverage a CCMS. With A CCMS’s centralized content storage, you can easily update and maintain consistency across multiple documents. Plus, reusing approved content components ensures uniformity every time.
  • Collaborate and review. If multiple authors contribute to your documentation, ensure everyone is on the same page. Regularly review and align your content to maintain a consistent voice and style.

Consistency is key to clear and effective documentation. By being vigilant and collaborating with your team, you can ensure your content is always coherent, reliable, and user-friendly.

6. Disorganized Structure

If the path to user information is unclear, your readers will get lost. A disorganized structure can make even the most valuable information hard to grasp, leaving your audience frustrated and confused.

Here's how you can create a well-organized and logical structure for your documentation:

  • Map it out. Before diving into writing, sketch out an outline. This roadmap will guide you, ensuring each section flows naturally into the next.
  • Prioritize information. Place the most crucial information at the forefront. Consider what your readers need to know first and structure your content accordingly.
  • Take advantage of structured content. A CCMS uses structured content to organize modules, ensuring a logical flow. Plus, with its drag-and-drop features, rearranging sections is a breeze.
  • Break it down. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to segment your content. This not only makes your documentation more readable but also helps readers quickly find the information they need.

A well-organized structure is the backbone of effective documentation. By planning ahead and continuously refining, you'll create content that guides your readers smoothly from start to finish.

7. Getting People to Review Your Work

You've poured hours into your documentation, and it's finally ready. But before hitting "publish," you need feedback. Getting colleagues to review your work can sometimes feel like pulling teeth. They're busy, deadlines loom, and your request might fall through the cracks.

Here's how you can ensure your work gets the review it deserves:

  • Plan ahead. Don't spring a review request on someone last minute. Give them ample notice so they can fit it into their schedule.
  • Be specific. When asking for feedback, clarify what you're looking for. Do you want them to check for technical accuracy, clarity, or both? Being clear helps reviewers focus and provide valuable feedback.
  • Streamline reviews. With a CCMS, the review process becomes streamlined. Share your work, gather comments, and make edits all within one platform. It's efficient and ensures everyone stays on the same page.
  • Follow up. If someone hasn't gotten back to you, send a gentle reminder. People get busy, and sometimes they just need a little nudge.

Remember, reviews are crucial to producing top-notch documentation. By being proactive, leveraging tools like a CCMS, and building strong relationships, you'll ensure your work is polished, accurate, and ready for your audience.

Navigate Challenges Faced By Technical Writers Today

Navigating the challenges faced by technical writers can be a daunting task. From adapting to sudden product changes to ensuring consistency and clarity in documentation, the role demands flexibility, foresight, and a keen understanding of both the product and its users. 

But, with the right strategies, tools like a CCMS, and a collaborative approach, these challenges can be transformed into opportunities for growth and excellence. 

Ready to conquer the challenges of being a technical writer? Heretto CCMS can help. Get started today by booking a demo, or learn more about Heretto.

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