50% Faster: How to Cut Document Production Time in Half with Structured Content

Expectations for writing teams are changing. More than ever, readers want information immediately and in various formats. This results in growing demands on technical writing teams. But these changes can also become opportunities to get ahead by using structured content.

That's why we put together the top reasons  why DITA makes sense for your writers and your organization’s bottom line. If you’re considering making a business case for DITA, this whitepaper is a great place to start.

In this whitepaper, you'll learn how

  • Structured content makes reuse easy
  • Reuse enables faster content creation
  • Faster content creation saves valuable time and resources for technical writers

Who is this white paper for?

  • Technical writers and documentation teams looking for to understand why a company might adopt structured content
  • Managers looking to save on content production costs and optimize their team's resources

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